Behind the Name

Let’s get to know each other a little bit, shall we?

Over the course of the last several years, I have embarked on a journey to better understand myself and some things that have been going on in my brain since… well, as long as I can remember. I’ve seen doctors, endocrinologists, psychiatrists, and therapists. I’ve listened to professionals speak on Podcasts and Ted Talks, and to my peers on social media. I’ve read everything I can get my hands on. Through it all I have had one mantra: I want to understand, because the science keeps me sane. After all, there is a lot out there right now, and while the internet can be a glorious thing, it is not always a reliable source of medical advise, and I have been known to hypochondriac myself on past occasions.

Recently we have arrived at a diagnosis of ADHD (which I sort of knew) and ASD (which I had only just begun to suspect).

On the absolute opposite end of the spectrum, let’s talk about the fae folk. I assume all of you reading know not to step in the fairy circles, but it always bears repeating this warning: don’t step in the fairy circles! For proof that you shouldn’t, I’m pretty sure I did and I must be a changeling.

If you believe, you can stop reading right here, you know why I call myself the Scienfae. If you’re currently thinking that I’m experiencing hallucinations and should also seek a schizophrenia diagnosis, hold your horses, this will all make sense in a minute.

Let’s examine the folklore around changeling children. They are known, among other things, to be quiet, to avoid eye contact, and to be intensely focused on one particular thing (usually something mysterious left by the fae folk). Many folklorists believe (and I agree) that what we once called changeling children we would now understand as Autism Spectrum Disorder. It’s not a new phenomenon, we simply call it by a different name. And while I still deeply appreciate the science that helps myself and others better understand what this condition means for me… forgive me if I also like the idea of it having a magical element.

May reading these ramblings of a faechild bless your day with a hint of magic as well. I especially hope it comes to you in the form of your favorite comforting warm beverage.


Courageous and Strong


Treat Yo Self - Holiday Edition